Amenorrhea: absence of menstruation. primary amenorrhoea when the menstrual periods have not started by the appropriate age. secondary amenorrhoea when periods stop after they have been established. See also female athletic triad.
Amenorrhoea: absence of menstruation in a woman between puberty and menopause. Some causes include pregnancy, decreased body weight, endocrine and other medical disorders, and certain medications.

Amenorrhoea (BE), amenorrhea (AmE), or amenorrhœa, is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. Physiological states of amenorrhoea are seen during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Outside of the reproductive years there is absence of menses during childhood and after menopause. Wekipedia.
What is meaning Amenorrhoea in woman medical dictionary ?
Sources:- dictionary.reference.com
- medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Amenorrhoea
- Wekipedia.