One year! when you're talking about the diagnosis of infertility, one year is an important milestone!

Most experts define infertility for a woman who is 35 and younger is not enable to get pregnant after at least one year of trying, for a woman over 35 it is six months of trying.
According to the centers of disease control and prevention in 2002 , about 12% of women between the ages of 25 and 44 have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a baby to term.
About 1/3 of infertility cases are because of the factors that men are involved and 1/3 Is because women are involved and the remaining third it is believed of problems both together or it's unexplained.
Male infertility is usually caused when the male isn't making enough sperm, the quality of the sperm is a problem or there is a problem with the sperm being able to reach and fertilize the egg.
The most common cause of female infertility is a problem with ovulation that mean releasing the egg , or making the egg itself. There are Other causes today in cloud blocked fallopian tubes and physical problems with the uterus
Infertility treatments can be addressing sexual problems using medication or surgically repairing reproductive organs.Intra uterine insemination or assisted reproductive technology helps you get pregnant, there are options for many couples
General fertility problems Factors for men and women
General fertility problems Factors for men and women