When's the best time to get pregnant ?
To get pregnant and have a child, an absolute necessity is making sex ...but at the right time of your cycle ; The best time to get pregnant is when you are most fertile which is when ovulation occurs. the sexual intercourse must be before and after ovulation.
Therefore, It is necessary to know accurately as possible your date of ovulation to increase your chance to get pregnant.
This tool allows you to calculate, and deduct your fertility period.
To get pregnant and have a child, an absolute necessity is making sex ...but at the right time of your cycle ; The best time to get pregnant is when you are most fertile which is when ovulation occurs. the sexual intercourse must be before and after ovulation.
An ovule lives only 48 hours at most !
Therefore, It is necessary to know accurately as possible your date of ovulation to increase your chance to get pregnant.

In case your cycle is actually irregular or shorter than 21 days or more time than 35 days, ask your personal doctor for help with determining your fertile phase.